
About Little Details Count

Hi! My name is Michael Anonuevo and welcome to Little Details Count, your source of high quality and affordable Revit families! If you haven't signed up yet, please do so and get your free Revit family download. Aside from running this website, I'm a blog contributor at where I write topics on how to create complex family shapes in Revit. I'm also a contributing author at AUGI AEC Edge Ezine amd AUGIWorld. Currently, I'm a beta tester for Autodesk Revit 2013 (Architecture, MEP, Structure) and Autocad Architecture 2013.

About Our Company

Little Details Count was started in the summer of 2009 to address the need for high quality Autodesk® Revit® Architecture families modeled in native Revit geometry. These are professional quality families that enhances a Revit project and its scenes, walkthroughs and views. In the BIM world of architecture and interior design, having the right content can be the deciding factor on a project’s success.

For quality content, Autodesk® offers a lot of excellent families and components available for download at their website. Other websites exist to serve as resource for Revit users who want more families to choose from. Almost every category of families are available for purchase or free download. However, there's not a whole lot of highly detailed Revit families available out there that adds realism to 3D presentations. In most cases, after completion of a Revit project, interior views are usually exported to Autodesk® 3ds Max® or other rendering programs where detailed components are added. The added cost of another program to render Revit scenes and the man-hours involved can certainly affect a project's timeline and budget. For those who don't have time to learn these programs, the choice was to create custom Revit families or import detailed content from other programs. Aside from affecting the size and performance of Revit, imported components come in as blocks. Users have no way of controlling the parameters of these models except edit them in the original program they were created from. But who has time to create custom or detailed Revit families?

This is where Little Details Count (LDC) comes in. Our mission statement is to provide you with professional and high quality Revit families that can be edited and customized for your particular needs.  
"Revit Models...are Ugly”. This post surfaced in one of AUGI’s forum. Here's the excerpt:
g. Revit content... Compare every model in the Metric or Imperial library folder (modeled by expert Revit users I suppose) to hundreds of thousands models (many of them are free) from misc sites like turbosquid or companies like evermotion etc... Then you HAVE TO admit that Revit models especially for furniture, sanitation, kitchen, closets etc... are ugly... Not only that, but you CAN'T use all these nice models unless you can find them in dwg or dxf and this is not easy... not even 3ds is allowed. But even if you could, you would probably never be able to render them because Revit couldn't assign materials to them.  
I can't blame this author because a lot of the available Revit families out there are boxy, too simple, not done properly and as he mentioned above…ugly!

Take a look at this Roulette table family (shaded view) available from a popular free download site (see fig. 1): 

Figure 1
Now look at Little Details Count's version (see fig. 2):

Figure 2
...and check out the rendering from  Revit’s built-in mental ray® renderer (see fig. 3):

Figure 3
Clearly there’s no question little details count! And that’s how this website was conceived.

In plan view, this roulette table created by LDC are represented in symbolic lines and hatch regions. The visibility settings for the forms that make up the family underneath are set not to display in plan view (see fig. 4):

Figure 4
This representation now redraws as fast as your model lines. Shared parameters can then be created.  A schedule can then be generated to list the number of chairs, number of tables, finishes, etc. 
Autodesk Revit Families by Little Details Count

Parameters are embedded in all of LDC’s families such as materials and visibility settings. Extra steps were made to make sure they are purged of unnecessary junk. Hundreds of hours were spent rendering the families in Revit’s built-in mental ray renderer so they look realistic and materials transfer to other programs properly. For those new in Revit (and even advanced users who rarely deal with family creation), these families serve as good reference on how to create complex shapes. By examining how they were created, you can apply the modeling techniques to your early conceptual building mass models or to your unique custom model needs. They are a must-have collection of Revit families for any aspiring Revit 3D modeler. 

In the future, more detailed families incorporating other parameters such as arrays and conditional statements will be added. Please sign up and get the Beer Mug Revit family plus another complimentary download for free! Thank you and have a great day! 
Michael Anonuevo
Certified Autodesk Revit Architecture Professional

This website would not have been possible if not for the marvelous job of Cindy Corley, my favorite cousin, fellow musician, friend and confidante. From the bottom of my heart, I thank her for her insight, contribution, patience, understanding and great job of building this website. I will forever be indebted to her selfless participation in this endeavor. I  also like to acknowledge everyone I had a chance of working with during my tenures at different architectural offices. They have been a great source of inspiration with their knowledge and expertise in 3D modeling.